Exacompta Guildhall Loose-Leaf Visitors Book Refill (50 Pack) T40/R
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Exacompta Guildhall Loose-Leaf Visitors Book Refill (50 Pack) T40/R
Product Code: GH01952
Pack Of 1
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Record visitor information using this Exacompta Guildhall Loose-Leaf Visitor Book. Hole-punched in order to fit to lever arch files, this visitors book is the simple yet effective way to organise entries. Pre-printed pages make space for visitors to leave all the information they want while collecting all relevant data for communications. This refill pack includes 50 x A4 sheets with space for visitor information.
Record visitor information using this Exacompta Guildhall Loose-Leaf Visitor Book. Hole-punched in order to fit to lever arch files, this visitors book is the simple yet effective way to organise entries. Pre-printed pages make space for visitors to leave all the information they want while collecting all relevant data for communications. This refill pack includes 50 x A4 sheets with space for visitor information.
Pack Contains50
Width (mm)210
Depth (mm)296
Height (mm)296
Weight (kg)0.55
Nordic Swan (Y/N)No
Country of OriginUnited Kingdom
ISO 14001 (Y/N)Yes
Recyclable Percentage100
Biodegradable100% Biodegradable
Biodegradable Information100
Contains timber or derived materialsYes
Number of Pages50
Product TypeVisitors Books
Number of Entries / Inserts50
2023 UK catalogue page no207
2024 UK catalogue page no200
50 sheets
Leaf size: 297x210mm
Records date, visitor name, company, car registration, badge number and time in and out
GH32MGH32MGH32MExacompta Guildhall Minute Book Indexed 160 Pages 1554
GH01951GH01951GH01951Exacompta Guildhall Loose-Leaf Visitors Book Landscape Black T40
KF01293KF01293KF01293Q-Connect Reception Counter Bell KF01293
219749219749DB10336Durable Visitors Book Refill (Pack of 100) 1464/00
219746219746DB10331Durable Visitors Book Refill (Pack of 300) 1466/00
239457239457JT85801Concord Visitor Book Refill A4 Landscape (Pack of 50) 85801/CD14P

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